Early childhood education is known as many things, but has one goal in mind
- Early childhood education is known as childcare education, preschool, and sometimes kindergarten
- Though the names vary, it is aimed at achieving one thing, developing success for young children
- Developing foundations for learning is key to this success
- Play-based learning helps children develop skills such as language and numerical understanding
Education for children younger than school age is known by a variety of names and styles. It is known as early childhood education, childcare education, childhood education, preschool, and sometimes kindergarten. Though it is known by many different names, it still has one goal in mind for the children involved. That goal is to prepare young children for the years of schooling ahead them and their later adult life. This education is given in a variety of ways through a variety of activities all aimed at building foundations for success. Early childhood education is important for children to cultivate their curiosity, imagination, and identity.
Early childhood education works to build many foundations for young children such as language and numerical understanding. These foundations will be built upon as they go through the education system and later life. Things such as social learning and emotional regulation are set up through various activities that teach children how to employ and understand them. Activities such as peek-a-boo, hide and seek, and colouring build and teach children things that they will need for success in later life and education. Engaging with children through these and other activities encourages them to be curious about their lives and their surroundings, thus further developing their understanding of many things. Early childhood education plays an important role the future success of many young children throughout Australia.
Engaging people, environment, and objects develops key foundations
- When children are engaged with educators, family, and objects, they learn more about the world around them as well as develop skills
- This learning can help children find interests that can later become part of their identities
- Early childhood education is important for later success
The goals of early childhood education are to prepare young children for future schooling as well as improve key development areas. The key development areas include social, emotional, communication, and language areas. Early childhood education aims to further develop these areas through play-based learning activities. The purpose of these activities is to allow children to engage with people, objects and their surroundings to learn and develop skills such as language. These activities are encouraged to be done not just with education providers, but with the child’s primary providers as well. This constant engagement allows for development as well as cultivating interests and aspects of the child’s identity.
Early childhood education is important for children in Australia. It helps them develop skills for later learning, as well as develop interests in many things in the world around them. This education helps children engage with their families, education providers, their communities, the world, and objects. Developing a love for learning at this stage of life is pertinent for the future success of children in education and life. The interests they develop can lead them to develop aspects that become parts of their identities later. Early childhood education in Australia is one of the most important things for its young children, as it facilitates their future success not only in education, but all aspects of their later life.